
Laura Dormer

Co-Founder & Editorial Director
Becaris Publishing Ltd, UK

ORCID: 0000-0002-4868-8655

Tenure as Advisory Cabinet Member
2023 till Present

Areas of Expertise
Publication ethics, Plain language summaries, Patient engagement

Laura Dormer is Co-Founder and Editorial Director of Becaris Publishing, publisher of the Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research (JCER) and The Evidence Base website. Laura has worked in publishing for >20 years, and has launched numerous successful journals, including JCER, which has led to her particular interest in the fields of health policy, HEOR and RWE. Laura has been Editor-in-Chief of Learned Publishing since 2022, the official journal of ALPSP; she is an active member of ISMPP; and is an author of GPP 2022. Her key areas of interest include industry practice, publication ethics, patient engagement and plain language content.